Assemblage Point Relocation – an amazing and unique life- transforming treatment.

What is the Assemblage Point?

The Assemblage Point ( or ‘AP’), is the point in the body where the life-force assembles in embryo, then, as we grow up, it has it’s position in the naval and as we mature, it rises to the centre of the chest, it’s optimum position, where it should reside. 

‘Life’ flows in through this point, in the centre of the chest, and out through the back in a continuous circulating stream of energy which forms an egg-shaped pattern around the body.

Who  proved  the existence of the Assemblage Point?

The  discovery and  the technique of shifting the Assemblage Point originally came out of the Native American and Shamanist traditions, but there was not enough real proof or knowledge to make practical use of.  Jon Whale P.h.d., an electronics engineer producing medical equipment, actually discovered the definite existence of the Assemblage Point after having been fascinated by it’s possibilities for years. He applied his work to rigorous tests and experimentation,  eventually working in a clinical environment with a British physicist and a team of British doctors.. The biggest finding was that the ‘Assemblage Point’  can  shift, and depending WHERE it shifts to, can create various unwanted conditions in people.

Who can benefit from a correctly positioned Assemblage Point?

Basically, just about everyone on the planet will have a shifted Assemblage Point – this occurs through life traumas, such as :  abuse of any kind (to the mind or body;) grief; loss; shock; accidents or operations; depression – the list is  endless, also, if the Assemblage Point has moved, a person is operating at only half their quota of energy. This creates  emotional unhappiness and a sensation of ‘never having felt quite right’, as many people report.  For instance: if the ‘AP’ has moved from it’s home in the centre of the chest and up towards a top right position,  stress, anxiety or even panic attacks can be experienced.

If someone has experimented with heavy drugs to a very large degree, even if it was years ago, but has never felt the same since, this would be a case of the ‘AP’ moving to the top right position. etc.   Or,  someone who experiences a lot of anger, rage, or exhaustion and M.E etc. can be due to a ‘low right’ position. etc.  Lack of confidence and low self-esteem can definitely be caused by a misplaced Assemblage Point.

The good news  is that the Assemblage Point, can be re-positioned by a qualified practitioner, and once it’s been adjusted back to centre, it generally stays put, (although a regular 2-3 monthly check in the 1st year is advisable, while it is stabilizing.)


It is also relatively new, therefore still largely unknown, since it was so recently clinically  discovered. (However wise men, Shaman ,sages, American Indians and the Carlos Castaneda books have been  writing about the existence of the Assemblage Point for hundreds of years!)

THE BENEFITS  are as varied as there are individuals. However, there are some results which just about everybody can expect.

You will simply feel  centred  and have an increasing sense of WELL-BEING– because you will have been centred, by having your AP re-positioned.  To live a Centred life is to live life with considerably more ease.  Most people are un-centred – so they are always too something. E.g:  – too  angry –  too  anxious – too much  in their head and thinking too hard  –  too easily offended too  tired – too  afraid what people will think – too  shy –too vulnerable – too – fearful or worried – too  depressed – etc. etc etc.

After your Assemblage Point has been correctly placed, one can still feel all of the above from time to time, but far more mildly – and the negative feelings do not hang around for nearly as long, and there is far quicker recovery. The Assemblage Point draws  the nature back to the centre – and then a much greater peace is felt.

Having treated hundreds of people since my training, I have had the privilege to witness a great number of life-transforming results.

Rage and excessive angry outbursts –  fear and anxiety – panic attacks – various addictions –  low self-esteem –  to name but a few conditions, have become a thing of the past for a great many sufferers. 

For the majority of people coming to me for an Assemblage Point Shift, they  often tell me beforehand, that they don’t  feel ‘ quite right’ –  ‘off kilter’   –  they ‘don’t fit in’  –  ‘sad alot of the time’  – ‘like something’s  missing’, and so on.

After they have the treatment, it’s often remarked: “I felt like I had the carpet pulled from mea long time ago, and now it feels like it’s been ‘put back’ ” – or “it felt like a piece of thejig-saw was missing and now it feels like it’s been put back’, or “I felt like Humpty-Dumpty that fell off the wall into a hundred pieces and now I feel like I’ve been put back together again – all in one piece’ “etc.  So it’s very common to feel that something’s been put right.

How and where can I get my Assemblage Point correctly  re-positioned?

Amanda Solk M.A.PA,  is a qualified Assemblage Point Adjuster. She has been trained by Dr. Angela Blaen who was the first person to have the existence of their Assemblage Point scientifically proved by a British physicist and a team of doctors, in the year 2000. Dr. Blaen, founder of ‘The Assemblage Point Association’, worked with Jon Whale, trained with him, and also edited his famous book: ‘Catalyst of Power’.  

 ASSEMBLAGE POINT This is a unique, scientifically proved and permanent  cure for all prolonged forms of stress, anxiety and panic attacks; also  grief, resentment, anger, depression, low self-esteem and confidence issues, in fact for the permanent relief of all habitual and long-lasting negative states of mind. Prolonged negative emotions are caused by lack of spiritual, mental and emotional balance. This is completely rectified by having the epicentre of our energy-field re-aligned in the centre, where it should always reside, as shown in the diagram above. The benefits of a properly aligned Assemblage Point are huge and limitless, but to put it simply, it brings PEACE at last and ‘stills troubled waters’ forever. A far greater calm, confidence and assertiveness is felt which increases in depth throughout the lifetime.  If you would like to have this treatment by Assemblage Point practitioner, Mandi Solk,  please go to the contact page. 


Fist session lasts approx 2hrs or more : £80

2nd session will be 2 weeks later and this will be 90 mins: £60

3rd session is one month later £60

4th session is 3 months later £60

(It is EXTREMELY IMPORTANT to have only a practitioner trained by  the  ‘Assemblage Point Association,’  re-locate your ‘AP’.  PLEASE BEWARE OF ANYONE ELSE WHO TELLS YOU THEY CAN PERFORM THIS HIGHLY SKILLED TASK.  Someone who isn’t trained, can re-position the ‘AP’ in to the wrong area, causing absolute havoc  physically, mentally and emotionally.)

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